Amazon Personalize

Real-time personalization and recommendation

Amazon Personalize 1

Real-time personalization and recommendation, based on the same technology used at

Amazon Personalize is designed to help developers easily generate custom, meaningful recommendations for customers using the power of machine learning. With technology perfected over years of deployment on, Amazon Personalize works by processing and analyzing data to train models unique to your requirements.

With Amazon Personalize, no prior machine learning experience is required to build sophisticated personalization capabilities such as personalized product and content recommendations, tailored search results and targeted marketing promotions into your applications.

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Amazon Personalize uses algorithms designed to combat common problems such as new users with no data, popularity biases and evolving user intents. This allows the delivery of high quality recommendations that are sensitive to specific needs, preferences and behaviour displayed by users.


Real-time user activity data can be blended with existing data such as user profiles and product information. Amazon Textract can identify and provide the best recommendations and most relevant content for your users, immediately, so that they stay engaged on your platform.


Personalized recommendations from models generated by Amazon Personalize can be integrated into a broad selection of platforms, such as websites, mobile apps, content management and email marketing systems and more. Your users can enjoy a consistent and unique experience across all the devices and channels they use.


Amazon Personalize allows you to develop custom personalization models quickly by automating and accelerating the building, training, tuning and deployment of your machine learning based personalization models, cutting your development time from months to days.