Industrial Solutions

Elevate your business on AWS

Industrial Solutions 1
Enhance product offerings with speed and availability. Reduce time and resources through improving business efficiency by automating processes.

AI & Machine Learning

Gain efficiencies through predictive solutions such as planning deliveries, estimating lead times, predictive supply management & estimating product depletion rates


Command and control devices or collect data remotely. Design systems for performance monitoring and predictive failure management. Harvest and analyze IoT data to improve engineering and manufacturing processes.

Application Modernization

Gain 100% up-time, scalability and self-healing systems with cloud native applications that take advantage of advanced AWS services such as serverless computing and containers.


Leverage IoT to Accelerate Industrial Solutions

Gain efficiencies through supply chain optimization, workforce automation and predictive maintenance by leveraging Onica’s expertise with IoT and Industrial Solutions.

Onica is a Launch Partner for AWS Industrial Software Competency

Recognizing Partners with proven expertise and customer success targeting steps in discrete manufacturing or process industries in Product Design, Production Design, or Production/Operations – Smart Factory.

AWS Case Studies